

The Reporter feature allows you to create reports from any collected data. Creating reports can be automated.
Reports may be regularly sent to email recipients, generated manually or picked up from the server where they are saved.

Reporting options

Supported platforms
You can create reports through all collected metrics by each platform.
  • IBM Power Systes
  • VMware
  • Nutanix
  • oVirt / RHV
  • Solaris
  • MS Windows / Hyper-V
Output format
  • CSV
  • PDF
  • graphs in png format
  • graphs in png zipped in one file
Time scheduling
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Selected day in a year or a month
Target receiver
  • email address
  • group of email addresses
  • leave it on the filesystem (/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/reports/<user>/) for 60 days

Free edition restrictions

This feature has 2 restrictions for users using free edition:
  1. You can configure only 1 report at a time (no restriction on the number of items in the report)
  2. It can be initiated only from the front-end (UI), it does not allow to be scheduled to run automatically.
Users authorization follows their ACL restrictions. Each user has its own private reporter configuration.
You can see it on our free demo site.

Reporter examples

LPARs CPU weekly pdf
CPU POOLs weekly pdf
LPARs SAN monthly pdf
VIOS all yearly png


Create new report
Reporter configuration 1

Create report item
Reporter configuration 2

Save and Run
Reporter configuration 3

Manual run
Reporter configuration 4

Reporter configuration 4

Reporter scripting

In case you want to issue report in your ouw scheduler (typically crontab), to use your time schedule with further scripting of already reported data then
  1. Create report in the UI
  2. Select “no recurrence” in “Recurrence rule” window in report properties
  3. Use this manual to set up your own scheduling

Reporting options

Reported devices
It allows reporting through all collected metrics by devices.
  • Storage systems
  • SAN switch devices
  • Custom Groups
Output format
  • CSV
  • PDF
  • graphs in png format
  • graphs in png zipped in one file
Time scheduling
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Selected day in a year or a month
Target receiver
  • email address
  • group of email addresses
  • leave it on the filesystem (/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/reports/<user>/) for 60 days

Free edition restrictions

This feature has 2 restrictions for users using free edition:
  1. You can configure only 1 report at a time (no restriction on the number of items in the report)
  2. It can be initiated only from the front-end (UI), it does not allow to be scheduled to run automatically.
Users authorization follows their ACL restrictions. Each user has its own private reporter configuration.
You can see it on our free demo site.

Reporter examples

Custom group
Storage POOL
SAN switches totals
Capacity storage PDF
All storage capacity CSV
EMC storage POOL IOPS png
EMC storage HOST CSV


Create new report
Reporter configuration 1

Create report item
Reporter configuration 2

Save and Run
Reporter configuration 3

Manual run
Reporter configuration 4