
XorMon in a Docker

You can run XorMon easily with Docker.
No missing modules, library version conflicts or dependency hell.
It's based on the latest official Alpine Linux with all necessary dependencies installed.
Use Docker image on the host with no internet access

Quick start:

docker run -d --name XorMon --restart always -v xormon-data:/root/xormon-data -p 8443:8443 xorux/xormon

You can set container timezone via env variable TIMEZONE in docker run command:

docker run -d --name XorMon --restart always -v xormon-data:/root/xormon-data -p 8443:8443 -e TIMEZONE="Europe/Prague" xorux/xormon

The first run:

  • visit web GUI on port 8443
  • continue to XorMon and use as username/password

You can connect via SSH on port 22 (exposed), username stor2rrd, password xorux4you - please change it ASAP.

Docker Hub
Docker source code

XorMon / LPAR2RRD / STOR2RRD on a single host

If you want to run Docker instances of LPAR2RRD / STOR2RRD on the same Docker host, use named volumes to share data between apps and Xormon.
Start LPAR / STOR using volume (recommended way, see -v parameter), e.g.:
docker run -d --name LPAR2RRD --restart always -v lpar2rrd:/home/lpar2rrd -e XORMON=1 xorux/lpar2rrd
docker run -d --name STOR2RRD --restart always -v stor2rrd:/home/stor2rrd -e XORMON=1 xorux/stor2rrd
and then use the same volume names to run Xormon in Docker:
docker run -d --name XorMon --restart always -v xormon-data:/root/xormon-data -p 8443:8443 -v lpar2rrd:/home/lpar2rrd -v stor2rrd:/home/stor2rrd xorux/xormon
You can then use Local Installation method in Xormon configuration UI.


  • How to find IP of deployed Docker instance:
    Apache and everything needed is already included in Docker container, it should work out-of-the-box.
    Just try if your instance is running:
    > docker ps
    CONTAINER ID IMAGE      COMMAND     CREATED     STATUS       PORTS                                      NAMES
    d96c9e5edcdb xorux/xormon / 7 weeks ago Up 8 minutes 8443/tcp,8162/tcp,>8443/tcp berserk_payne
    Then you can find IP address of running container
    You will get other random name of the instance, do not use berserk:payne:
    > docker inspect berserk_payne | grep Address
        "LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",
        "SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
        "SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null,
        "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
        "IPAddress": "",
        "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",
         "IPAddress": "",
         "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
         "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02"
    and finally you can get product UI on this address:

  • In case of a problem check our forum or contact us via